Hey! That’s My Face! Why Do I Hide it So Much?

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Hey! That’s My Face! Why Do I Hide it So Much? - She's So Bright, Shyness, Life, Style, Personality, Myself, Honesty.

So lately I’ve been thinking of ways to get more comfortable sharing myself a little more on here. I post daily and write all of my thoughts (sorry there are so many!), but I’m still more behind the scenes than I’d like. Sure, you can see my hand in this post, or me in the distance in this one, and my illustration in this one – and I take most of the photos, so my “artistic” hand is in them all. But I think it’s still important to see my face every once in a while. I’m a little shy, I don’t have perfect hair like other bloggers, I haven’t been surgically enhanced or drastically slimmed down, and I’m my harshest critic. So standing alone, close up, without a sweeping landscape to drown me out is a little nerve-racking.

But, it’s me.

So here I am, imperfect and myself. And to my new readers who are maybe just seeing me close up for the first time, hello! Nice to meet you!

What is funny about being shy, is that I actually love people. I love meeting them, talking to them, sharing stories with them, and everything in between. There’s rarely a social encounter that I don’t come away feeling happier, lighter and accepted. So being shy is just a barrier to all that joy. Because that’s what I feel when I’m around others. Joy! At being seen and understood. At sharing experiences and laughter. I think it’s why I gravitated towards acting at such a young age. It allowed me to be close with others, while also hiding a little behind a mask, behind a character, and ultimately behind someone else. But as I’ve gotten older, and as I push myself through this blog, I’m expanding into the spaces I’ve left vacant. Like filling out a mold, I can feel my personality pouring into the crevices I’d once left empty. The impressionable places, where self-doubt was allowed to creep in, are now overflowing with opinions, ideas, and worth. Value, made from working on myself.

This is me. And I’m going to try not to hide.

Hey! That’s My Face! Why Do I Hide it So Much? - She's So Bright, Shyness, Life, Style, Personality, Myself, Honesty.

So, with that very raw confession, I’d like to bring the conversation back to the most important topic at hand: the weekend! It’s time to shed anything heavy and delight in a more carefree attitude, so here are some things to read, consider and enjoy…

  • This recipe for Coconut Chicken Soup.
  • What’s your pet peeve according to the Myers-Brigg?
  • I just finished this book (yes, I’m ashamed to admit that I loved it and have the next one on hold at the library).
  • Articles like this are why I love advice columns (I’m so nosy).
  • I’m watching this movie this weekend – can’t wait!
  • Are these impractical, I can’t decide?

I took a look at my calendar yesterday, and when I realized it was nearing the end of September, I almost fell off my chair. It’s always a surprise how fast the time goes, but it’s even more sneaky because the temperature hasn’t dropped yet. It still feels like summer, and after trying on fall boots I had to pump my air conditioning on high to keep from sweating! I guess I’ll just keep waiting patiently for the scarf weather!

In the meantime, we’ve got a few trips coming up, and the weather should have already cooled quite a bit by the time we’re back. I’m a little panicked about packing, writing, and making a Halloween costume in that time, but I guess I’ll just do what I can.

And I’m glad I managed to share a little more of myself today with you. If that’s all I get done this weekend, well that’s good enough for me. Have a great one!

What are your plans for the weekend? And by the way, I love recommendations, so be sure to share things you’re reading, watching or buying with me below!

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