Val d’Orcia’s Fields of Gold

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She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia

Welcome to the gentle hills and golden wheat fields of Tuscany’s Val d’Orcia. In the early morning light, the sun skims the top of the shapely land, bringing the dramatic lines along the horizon to life. In the spring, this area is covered in the earthy green of growing grain. In the early summer, the wheat turns yellow and the long, golden stalks become ready for harvest. And at the time of our visit, in late summer, the hills are meticulously plowed, their orderly lines accentuating the curves of the soft hills.

This entire region is stunning, and while Val d’Orcia is made up up of working farms, it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and National Park. We only had a few hours, but we did our best to enjoy this beautiful place, hoping we’ll return someday soon and see it in each season. Enjoy all the photos below!

She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia
She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia

The colors and warmth of a sunrise are so spectacular here, it’s practical Elysium! Just chalk it up to another beautiful day in Italy!

Have you ever been to Tuscany? How about a visit somewhere with beautiful farmland? Share with me in the comments below!

She's So Bright - Sunrise at Val d'Orcia

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